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Behind The Website - The Ghoul Guide


An online travel blog for the curious mind.

Hey, all!-

This is Be Socials first blog post and we're kicking it right off with one of our favorite projects to date, The Ghoul Guide website build!

The inspiration behind this haunted travel blog design was very vintage postage. The client already had some logos and merchandise made up and to be honest, these pieces fit seamlessly into the build! If you know me personally, you know I vibe with anything creative, funky, ornate, bold, vintage, the list goes on! So, I knew this project would be super fun for me.

Here's a quick look into the clients pinned mood board vs. our final creative direction for the site.

Client's pinned board:

All Images from Pinterest
All Images from Pinterest

Final creative direction:

With a solid creative direction, it was time to really get building! I knew I wanted the site to give a really welcoming and almost scrapbook feel, a place to save memories. Just because the topics are spooky doesn't mean the community or branding needs to be! Embrace your interests & make some new GHOULfriends!

This client had the vision of a handwritten post card featuring her about. I LOVED this idea.

1. It's unique and sure as hell beats a boring ol' text box

2. It shows you care about your brand & branding to go above and beyond to execute these fine details

3. What's more wholesome and nostalgic than getting a post card from your favorite haunted travel blogger? It builds trust.

Web design isn't just about a landing page connected to a domain. It's about design, branding, strategy & so much more!

Check out this website once it officially goes LIVE in the coming weeks. A huge thank you to my favorite Ghoul, Courtney, for trusting me with her website!

-Sidney Scacchetti

Be Social

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